Powerbase not affected by log4j but...

December 17, 2021

Let’s start with the good news: Powerbase is not affected by the recently discovered vulnerability in the log4j software package that is getting publicity these days.

Powerbase is not affected because the vulnerable software is written in the Java programming language and Powerbase is written in the PHP and JavasSript languages (JavaScript, despite having a similar sounding name, is entirely different then the Java programming language).

Now, the bad news: the odds are high that some server in the world holding your personal data or providing some useful service to you is vulnerable and may be exploited.

What? How is this possible?

The log4j problem has been called a perfect storm for a number of reasons:

  • The flawed code is in a software library - which means it’s a software program used by other software programs to do a specific job - in this case, logging information about what the program is doing. That means the problem is not limited to just one program, but to every program that uses this software library.

  • The software library, called log4j, is released under a free software license that permits its use in both free software as well as proprietary softare. And, it happens to be wildly popular. Like even Microsoft’s Minecraft video game is vulnerable.

  • The vulnerability is triggered if certain text is logged. What is being logged by log4j varies depending on the software.

    But to give you a taste: if you have a web site that uses log4j, it most likely will log every address that it receives. If a user normally visits the web site by typing: https://yoursite.org/article-about-mushrooms that entire address will show up in your logs so you can track how many people are trying to read your article about mushrooms.

    If your server is vulnerable to log4j, any attacker could simply type: https://yoursite.org/article-about-mushrooms?${jndi:ldap://}. Due to the log4j bug, the extra text at the end, when it reaches log4j, will be turned into malicious code granting access to the attacker.

    Yes, this means taking over a server is as easy as typing in a web address on a vulnerable server.

  • And finally, the kicker: normally, when a vulnerability is discovered, it is reported to the authors of the software before it is made public. Then, the authors of the software release a new, protected version of the software at the same time as they announce the existence of the bug. This still sets up a race: malicious actors learn about how to exploit the bug and try to begin exploiting it, while systems administrators frantically rush to upgrade their servers first.

    However, in this case, the vulnerability was being exploited about a week after the bug was reported and a full week before it was made public. Someone spilled the beans. So instead of having a fair chance at upgrading software, many systems administrators found their servers already compromised when they began their upgrades.

What does this mean for the world?

I thought you’d never ask.

It means we need to start paying for the software we use, even if the software is released under a free software license. Before the dot com explosion, free software was developed in communities of collaboration. There were plenty of bugs, but enough cooperation to collectively resolve them.

However, as more and more profit focused enterprises began writing software, they realized they could make a killing by stitching together free software into their own proprietary projects. They made millions, the authors of the free software made nothing. And as a result, some of the critical free software projects, many of which hold up significant amounts of our Internet architecture, are woefully underfunded.

At the Progressive Technology Project we owe a huge debt to the amazing work of the CiviCRM developers and community for doing the lion’s share of the development work to make the database, that Powerbase is based upon, secure, reliable and functional.

Although we don’t charge Powerbase groups for the software (we only charge you for hosting and support) we still send a signficant portion of our income straight to the CiviCRM core team to support this work.

Can I really take over a server with just a fancy URL?

Well, that’s not the full story. The malicious actors exploiting this bug first have to setup a server that can provide the malicious code when requested on an IP address (e.g. Then they append the string “{jndi:ldap://}”. That snippet instructs the log4j software to query the server at that address and execute the code it provides.

So, the initial setup is complicated, but after that it’s quite easy.

Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fireplace_Burning.jpg